How to fill out the time Report
To receive unemployment benefits, you need to submit a time report every week. You fill out the time report on our e-service "Mina sidor."
Here's how you do it
You start by selecting which week you want to report. Fill in day by day what you have done by choosing the option that applies to you. Saturday and Sunday should also be included.
You can choose from the following options:
- Unemployed
- Work
- Vacation
- Unable to work
- Sick / Childcare / Parental Allowance
Below, we explain in more detail what applies to work, vacation, illness, childcare (VAB), and parental allowance.
It's important to fill in correctly
It is crucial that you fill in your time reports correctly. If you provide incorrect information or omit something that may affect your benefits, you may be required to repay. You are always welcome to contact us if you are unsure about what to do, and we will assist you!
For those who work
Are you working part-time?
If you have an employment with a certain percentage or a guaranteed number of hours per week, you only need to fill in your percentage on the time report. Even if your schedule varies, you should fill in your percentage every week. You fill in the percentage under "Employment duration" (Anställningens omfattning). If you work extra hours beyond your percentage, you should fill in both your percentage and the extra hours you work. You should also indicate if you do not work, for example, due to illness.
Are you employed on an hourly basis?
If you are employed on an hourly basis and work as needed, you should fill in your worked hours day by day. You should specify how many full and half hours you have worked.
Do you work on-call or have standby duty?
If you work on-call ("jour" in Swedish) or have standby duty, you should fill in all hours on the time report because it counts as working time. This also applies to sleeping standby ("sovande jour"). If the on-call time is included in your working hours for a part-time employment in percentage, you should not fill in the on-call hours. Please feel free to contact us if you are unsure about what to do, and we will assist you!
Are you a part-time firefighter?
If you are a part-time firefighter, you are subject to special rules and should not fill in hours for standby and training on the time reports. However, you should fill in callouts and equipment maintenance on the time reports unless it has been approved as extra work by us. Please get in touch, and we can explain further.
If you have earned vacation days in your employment, fill in the "Vacation" (Semester) section on the time report. If you have a continuous period of vacation, you should fill in vacation for all days during the period you are off, including the days you would not have worked according to your schedule.
If you are off from an hourly position, fill in the "Unable to work" section.
Unable to work
If you cannot work for any reason, choose this option. For example, if you are traveling or do not have childcare arranged for your children. You should also choose this option if you have activity support (aktivitetssöd) or have studies that we have not approved.
When you are ill, you cannot work, and therefore, you cannot receive benefits. So, you should fill in on the time report that you are sick. Use the boxes for sick/childcare/parental allowance and specify how much of the day you have been sick. You should then apply for compensation for the days you have been ill from your employer or from the Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan).
Parental Leave and Childcare (VAB)
When you are on parental leave or at home with a sick child, you cannot work. Therefore, you should fill in on the time report that you have taken care of your child. Use the boxes for sick/childcare/parental allowance and specify how much of the day you have been on parental leave or childcare. You should then apply for compensation for the days you have been at home from the Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan).
Are you enrolled in a program through the Employment Service?
If you are enrolled in a labor market training or a program through the Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen), you do not need to report your time. Instead, you should apply for activity support from the Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan). If you start or finish your program in the middle of a week, fill in "Unable to work" on the days you are in the program.
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